name: materialdiscovery

Accelerating material discovery with machine learning

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Accelerating material discovery with machine learning



Hydrogen and methane storage
.cite[(Lawrence Zitnick et al., 2020)]



Why machine learning?

Traditional electrocatalyst design

.context[Current electrocatalyst are only up to 35 % energy efficient]

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.left-column-33[ A relaxation of propane (C3H8) on a copper (Cu) surface.

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count: false

Why machine learning?

Traditional electrocatalyst design

.context[Current electrocatalyst are only up to 35 % energy efficient]

.right-column-66[.center[:scale 90%]]


Why machine learning?

ML world model

.context[Physical models are computationally too expensive for fast discovery.]

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Can we do better?

Why machine learning?

RL-based exploratory policy

.context[Using ML to only score candidate materials provides only linear gains.]

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Promising results: GFlowNet (Bengio et al., 2021)

Accelerating scientific discovery


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.full-width[ .conclusion[These principles have applications in material discovery, drug discovery, causal reasoning, etc. and have the potential of pushing the boundaries of machine learning research.] ]